Setting up
Download the image from Fotolia at us.fotolia.com/id/39385229. Open a new A3 document in Photoshop. Fill the background with #535a5e and place the model pic as shown.
Notice the blank area on top of the model head? We are going to reuse the stock picture to cover up the top area. Duplicate the model layer. Choose the layer above the background layer and resize it to cover the top part with cloud areas. We will come back to make it more smooth.
Editing the model picture
Duplicate the model picture twice. And then use Filter > Oil Paint effect on the top model layer. Use Mask Layer to show the effects on the hair and the dress only. And name it “Hair”. On the model layer use Dodge and Burn tool (O) to bring out more highlights and shadows. Create a rim light on the model hair and the body. Do it same for the ‘Hair’ Layer but before using dodge and burn, sharpen the layer by 150%. Group the layers and within the group create a new layer and Image>Apply Image. Select the same layer and go to Filter>Other>High Pass and choose where the lines become blur and “glow” This will put more details then using just sharpen
at 100% Opacity. Create a new adjustment layer and apply the settings shown and clip mask the layer high pass and adjustment layer to the group. Also create a mask to have the effect on the model only not the background. After doing all that you should have your layers in this order. Notice that the duplicated second model layer is masked too.
Editing the background
If you switch off the 1st model layer you will see that brush and just paint the model and the areas around her. Be careful not to paint over the head because that will show a line. Create a new adjustment ‘colour balance’ layer above the model layer and set themodel picture and the background. Time to put more elements into the composition.
Make it rain
Download rain and water splashes brushes. You can the grouped model layers. Select the rain brush and set the size to small since it’s the raindrops behind the model. Brush around the canvas till you get the desired result. Create a new layer above the group and do the same thing but with middle size brush. Create another layer and then this time set the size to bigger. And select the layer and Gaussian blur it. The raindrops don’t look realistic because we cannot see splashes on the model’s body. Create a new layer and choose a water splash brush and brush on the hair, the face, and shoulders to show the splashes. Use the picture as the reference.
Burned skin
Open ‘texture.jpg’ from the folder and place it on the document. Desaturate the layer (Shift + Cmd + U) and use levels to make it darker. Set the blend mode to overlay and use layer mask to set it on the model. Duplicate the texture layer and move around to put more texture if you wish.
Open ‘Fire.jpg’ and place it on the document. Change the blending mode to linear dodge and use warp model. Create a new layer, choose a soft brush and paint with #ee8c4d on the right side where
blending mode to overlay. It will create the glow of Download a smoke brush. Create a new layer and
brush lightly on the ‘scar’.
Create a new layer and name it “sparks”. Download brush from wegraphics.net/downloads/free falling sparks-brush-set. Set the colour to #ee8c4d and change the blend mode to linear dodge.Again,
Create another layer and download wegraphics.net/ downloads/free-dust-particle-photoshop-brush-set.Set the colour to black and brush around to create‘ash’ and particles being blownaway.
Create a new layer and select a soft brush and choose the colour #ee8c4d and brush on the right top side of the canvas. Set the blend mode to linear dodge to create a fake light source. Create a new layer beneath the grouped model layer and paint with big soft brush with black colour around the corner to create a vignette. After all, create a hue/saturation adjustment layer and set the settings. After it put in some noise texture to create grudge effects. And you’re done.