Remasking the girl
Let’s start with the eye-catching girl. First we want to remove her from the shadowed background. There are hundreds of ways of remasking her out; I recommend YouTubing a tutorial on professional remasking if you want to do this correctly. I used a plugin to extract her from the background but another
Saving the girl
You should now have the girl successfully cut this document as girl.psd.will be using thisfile to import to our new document.
New document & import
Let's make anew document.Go to file > New > SizeA4(portrait) > ok.Then import the girl by going to File > Place > Select 'Girl.psd' > the girl in an appropriately balanced position in the document.
To get a smoother gradient use Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur on the gradient layer. This gives a smooth and realistic gradient.
Light gradient background
using the Gradient Tool located in the paint Bucket tab,create a new layer and set the foreground colour to grey #7E7E7E and white #FFFFFF.make sure your layer is located under the girl layer so that it appears in the background. You may need a few attempts at this to get the perfect gradient.
NOw openthe city file in Photoshop and, using the plygonal lasso Tool, cut out a neat section of the city. Use the Move Tool to get the selected pice and drag it to the main tab (located under the border of the Photoshop window)where we werw working the girl
Blending city with girl
now place the city wherever you want it and set the blending mode of the city layer to Multiply (this is critical as it removes the white).Repeat Steps 6 and 7 until you are satisfied with the results.
Blending the planes
using the same technique as Step 5 & 6, import the pictures of the planes and balance them into position.change the blending mode to Multiply,again erasing the white background.
Cubing it up
Open the 3D flying cube image in comes the most time-consuming part of the design. You need to cut the cubes out with the polygonal lasso tool,a job which took me 1 hour and 40 minutes. that said, ibelive the effect is worth the effort and, anyway, after that it’s all downhill from here!
Cube blending with girl
now place the cut-out cube composition.i placed them under her right arm and pushed them through the arch in her arms to create a sense of 3D and perspective.
Passport and briefcase
open up the passport image in Photoshop,cut it out with the polygonal lasso Tool and import it into your composition. Then open the briefcase image in Photoshop and,using the Magic Wand Tool with Tolerance set to 50% delete the it into your work, trying a few different positions to balance the artwork out.
Fine-tuning passport and briefcase
Once you have both the passport and briefcase image in your preferred position, desaturate them(image > Adjustments > Desaturate).Then add a blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur),keeping in mind that you need a stronger blur on an object close to you.Blur adds depth of field and is a signature in most of my designs
Finishing touches
now place the space picture into the top of your composition. To erase the black and focus more on the stars, change the blending mode to Screen.if you see a harsh-edge line on the space image,remove it with the Eraser Tool(Hardness 0 ).
All done!
I purposely made all the objects around my model black and white so that she stood out from the crowd.Adding a dash of purple and aqua was just a final touch for extra sparkle.